1897: Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Proposals
[By the Herald’s Special Wire] LONDON, Feb, 21. — It is now definitely announced that the service at St. Paul’s Cathedral to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of her Majesty will be held on Tuesday, June 22. The City Press states that owing to the fact that the Queen does not desire to undergo the fatigue of leaving her carriage and ascending the steps of the cathedral, the service will be held on the western steps, The Royal carriage being drawn up in the open space before the West front. The Westminster Gazette says such a service would be unique in the annals of the City Cathedral. “Meanwhile,” writes a representative of that paper who has been making inquiries, “it would be injudicious to assume the accuracy of the foregoing statement, seeing that nothing has, as yet, been decided on the subject whatever, and so far as the Cathedral authorities are concerned, at all events, it is very doubtful whether they would lend their approval to any such scheme as that foreshadowed, the objections to which, it is urged, are many and serious. We understand that a meeting of the committee which has the matter in hand, over which Dean Gregory presides, and at which the Prince of Wales will be present, will be held this afternoon for further consideration of the matter.”
— The New York Herald, European Edition, February 21, 1897.